Bohdan Svyrydov
The “Lost in Time” project is my attempt to capture the vague state of the world and uncertainty about the future with a visual medium. We live in a time of constant accelerated changes, that make the future more undetermined.
It is at the fingertips when you are in the epicenter of something unstable. When you live in a country, where the next election will dramatically change the course of the country for the next 4 years.
I was born in the USSR – a country that is no longer exists. At the moment of the disintegration of the USSR, I was 7. As a young boy, I did not notice that a country has gone forever and something changed. It was completely different for my parents, who felt all of the impact of a new reality.
In Ukraine, a lot of things around reminds of a past that has gone. Abandoned buildings that have lost their purpose – symbols of a bygone era. Confused people that lost their faith. Lost in time. There is no clear vision of what comes next.
Artists studio